Nestled away in the foothill communities of Southern California lives a wild young man, Leo Popovic, owner of Popovic Design. An outdoor extremist and design enthusiast, Leo spends most of his days describing to people how much he loves how the last bit of afternoon sunlight touches the peaks near his abode, and then, inspired, goes on to design websites, hoping to get paid so he can afford his Lord fo the Rings fan club subscription. Leo has loved the outdoors and outdoor activities for as long as he has loved art and design. Whether it's climbing in Yosemite Valley, backpacking across the Sierra Nevada, running marathons, or just going for a bike ride in his local neighborhood Leo is hooked to the great outdoors.
He brings all his nerdiness, love of nature, and natural right-brained creativeness into the designs he creates for his clients. While most web-designers can't afford to create all of their own art, Leo uses most of his original artwork in web design. In this day and age of technology, creativity and originality are underestimated. Web developers focus on SEO (search engine optimization) and site crawling to increase web exposure. While this is extremely important, a website or design project does not reach it's full potential, or full marketing exposure unless creative minds have inspired a unique, eye-catching, attention-grabbing piece. This is the type of philosophy Popovic Design is founded on.